SUN Chang-song,JIANG Han-yuan,ZHANG Ning(Baode Coal Preparation Plant,Preparation Center of Shendong Coal Group Co.,Ltd.,Xinzhou 036600,China)Based on the analysis of dense medium recycling process in southern direct of Baode coal preparation plant,transform the process systems through controlling the quality of dense medium and water for sculping screen,changing addition way of magnetic powder,improving the separation efficiency of magnetic separator,ensuring operation efficiency before separation,reducing management loss of medium.After transformation,the average mass fraction is improved from 88.25 percent in May to 92.80 percent in July,the particle size less than 0.074 mm is improved from 75.43 percent to 90.88 percent.The dense medium quality,recovery efficiency of magnetic separator,effective sieving area,penetrability of qualified suspension are improved,while the medium loss is decreased.Two-stage jetting modes get better recovery effect.The desliming efficiency before separation is improved.The results show that,the medium consumptions of lump coal separation system,fine coal separation system and gangue rewash system are 0.24,0.44,0.50 kg/t,respectively 0.16,0.56,0.30 kg/t less than perform index,monthly save dense medium 328 t,which cost 2.427×105 yuan.
2012 06 v.18;No.82 [Abstract][OnlineView][Download 835K]