Clean Coal Technology

2023, v.29;No.154(06) 189-195

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Analysis and suggestion of carbon emission in thermal power plants under the background of carbon peak and carbon neutrality

LIU Gaojun

  • 1:国网冀北电力有限公司电力科学研究院华北电力科学研究院有限责任公司


介绍了目前主流碳排放计算和核查方法,对典型的660 MW燃煤机组、365 MW燃气机组和660 MW燃油机组进行碳排放计算。在给定条件下3种火电厂CO_2排放总量分别为2 303 751、573 945、1 988 626 t/a,单位发电量CO_2排放数值分别为0.827 9、0.373 0和0.714 7 t/MWh。燃气机组单位发电量碳排放最低,仅为燃煤机组的45%。相应地,燃油机组碳排放为燃煤机组的86%。从火电厂碳排放组成来看,化石燃料燃烧产生的碳排放占电厂碳排放总量的99%以上。脱硫过程产生的碳排放占比与煤中含硫量有关。企业净购入使用电力产生的碳排放占比最小。为有效规范和降低碳排放,建议顺应燃煤机组小火电关停,代之以大机组(称为“上大压小”)的政策、高参数大容量发展趋势,积极配置光伏、风电、核能和水电等低碳、零碳能源。推广技术固碳和生态固碳等碳汇手段,开发绿色金融产品,规范碳排放交易市场。
The mainstream methods of calculation and verificationfor carbon emission was introduced, and calculation of carbon emission for a typical 660 MW coal-fired unit, 365 MW gas-fired unit and 660 MW oil-fired unit was introduced. Under given conditions, the total carbon emissions of the three types of thermal power plants are 2 303 751 t, 573 945 t and 1 988 626 t/a respectively, and the ratios of carbon emissions to electricity generation are 0.827 9,0.373 0 and 0.714 7 t/a respectively. Gas units emit the lowest carbon emissions per unit of electricity generation, only 45 percent of that of coal-fired units. Accordingly, oil-fired units emit 86% of the carbon emissions of coal-fired units. The burning of fossil fuels commonly accounts for more than 99% of the total carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants. The proportion of carbon emission from desulfurization process is related to the sulfur content in coal. The smallest proportion of carbon emissions is generated by net electricity purchases. In order to effectively regulate and reduce carbon emissions, it is suggested to comply with the development trend of high parameter and large capacity of coal-fired units, and actively deploy low-carbon and zero-carbon energy such as photovoltaic, wind power, nuclear power and hydropower.It is necessary to promote carbon sequestration methods such as technological and ecological carbon sequestration, develop green financial products, and standardize carbon emission trading markets.

关键词(KeyWords): 燃煤机组;燃气机组;燃油机组;碳排放;绿色金融;节能
Coal-fired unit;gas-fired unit;oil-fired unit;carbon emission;green finance;energy conservation




作者(Author): 刘高军
LIU Gaojun

DOI: 10.13226/j.issn.1006-6772.21081205

